Monday, September 23, 2013

Shark Finning


File:Chinese cuisine-Shark fin soup-01.jpg
Another type of animal cruelty is shark finning. Most Asian countries eat shark fin soup at celebrations or main events, but even people who eat the soup don't realize how high the risk of extinction is. Sharks are considered to be the kings of the sea and are probably one of the most dangerous animal predators there are, but the sole purpose of their loss in population is their fins. Currently, one hundred and forty three species of sharks run the risk of extinction yet people still choose to not save them. Not surprisingly, a single bowl of shark fin soup is worth from seventy dollars to a hundred dollars. But the reason why this bowl of soup is worth such a hefty price tag is because of the process to get these fins. Shark finning is only legal if after you take the fins, you bring the body of the shark back to port. If one of the shark finning ships comes back to port with only fins and no bodies, everyone on that ship is arrested for illegal finning, so professional finners run the risk of becoming juveniles which makes these fins so expensive. The method for shark finning is that the finners either net up the sharks, or do some deep fishing. Once the shark has breached the water and is on the ship, the finners slice off their fins, and as the shark is still alive, they are dumped back into the ocean to suffocate to death. Help us spread the word of these poor animals' suffering because no bowl of soup is worth the risk.

Top: Shark Fin Soup
Bottom: Finless Shark

 MLA Citation:
- Jacques, Peter. "Sea Shepherd Conservation Society." Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society.
ABC-CLIO, 2013. Web. 25 Sept. 2013.
- "Endangered Species Act (1973)." Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society.

ABC-CLIO, 2013. Web. 25 Sept. 2013.

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